1.march for freedom
The right to vote came as result of a long road to freedom
3.long queues
4 queues
Be responsible:
Use your vote witch has been a result of years of struggle !
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About the program

What is Know Your Right Claim Your Rights?

The goal of this intervention is to enhance awareness of constitutional rights in communities, advance the promotion of voter education and awareness and practical ways of mobilisation of communities in the exercise of their voter rights together with other add-on uses. The intervention includes the creation of a communication matrix.

  • Supported by local stakeholder organisations and volunteers
  • With the use of cellphone technology as part of the communication tools.
  • Increased networking and mobilisation of voters through a programme that educates and supports increased mobilisation of voter responsibility and impact on accountability

The action plan consists of two elements:

  • Developing a support model for the intervention in Cape Town: Part of the intervention is the ongoing promotion and development of the model in preparation for the 2021 municipal elections roll out plan.
  • Muldersdrift pilot project in Gauteng: A solid base established and supported here could later act as a training and support hub for two other Gauteng communities as part of a scaled-up programme of the EU-funded joint project of KAS, PC and Accountability Now.

Target areas in Cape Town

Pilot project in Gauteng

A project sponsored by :


Konrad Adenauer Stiftung is the major donor toward the pilot Know Your Rights, Claim Your Rights. They gracefully sponsor this website.

Website: https://www.kas.de/en/home

And managed by:

Peace Centre

The Peace Centre was established in 1987. Nowadays it put sustained effort into communities most affected by violence, concentrating there on support and capacity building.

Website : https://www.peacecentre.org.za

Accountability Now

Accountability Now is devoted to ensuring that the rule of law is upheld and enforced for the good of all by ensuring that governments, parastatals and the private sector are held to account.

Website: https://accountabilitynow.org.za/

  • Find clear answer to your questions by using the KNOW YOUR RIGHTS section of the menu.

You don't know how votes are held ? You wonder how to register for vote ? What is the difference between a national and municipal vote ? Come visit YOUR RIGHTS page now !

Find interesting articles and analysis about legal rights in NEWS AND VIEWS.

  • Get access to a rich selection of documents in the LIBRARY section

We have a lot of interesting documents to share with you. If you are looking for detailed information about Know Your RightsClaim Your Rights project or about your rights as a citizen, you will find it here. All the material can be downloaded for FREE.

  • A private access for facilitators in ADMIN SECTION

If you are a facilitator this space is for you to share documents and have access to a private chat.

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Know Your Right Claim Your Right

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